Alex Wright


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GLUT: Mastering Information Through the Ages



Abbott, Edward, 3
Aeschylus, 66, 72
Aesop, 105
Age of Enlightenment, 150
Age of Reason, 133, 141
Agrippa, Cornelius, 127
Aguaruna tribe, 22
Alchemy, 63, 133
Alcock, John, 11
Alcuin of York, 93, 259
Alexander the Great, 66, 71
Alto personal computer, 216, 233­234
American Library Association, 173
American Philosophical Society, 161
Ammianus, 77
Amr, 74
“An Anatomy of the World,” 230
Andrews, Whit, 102
Anklesaria, Farhad, 224
Annenberg Foundation, 220
Ants, pheromone trails, 13, 14­15, 199
Apollo mission, 218
Apple Hypercard environment, 223
Arab culture, 48, 95­98
Aristophanes, 64­65, 66
Aristophanes of Byzantium, 73
Aristotle, 25, 27, 30, 32, 65, 66­70, 71, 100, 113, 124, 128, 136, 156, 160, 164
ARPANET project, 224
Artificial languages, 123, 137­141, 142, 239­241
ASCII type, 113
As Fine as Melanctha, 22
Ashurbanipal, 54, 55, 93
Assyrians, 48, 54­55
Astrology, 35, 36­37, 63
Astronomy, 35, 63
Augustine, Saint, 113
Aurelian, 74­75
Ausonius, 75
Australian aborigines, 33­34, 36
- collaborative tools, 220
- networked hypermedia model, 221­223
Autodesk, 214
Aztecs, 57, 161


Babbage, Charles, 194
Babylonians, 53­54, 55, 59
Bacon, Francis, 131­137, 139, 148, 163, 186
Bacteria, 11
Battles, Matthew, 88, 94
Bees, waggle dance, 13, 14
Berlin, Brent, 22, 25, 35
Berners-Lee, Tim, 183, 190­191, 225, 226, 228
Bestiaries, 100­105, 114
Bestiary, 100­103, 105
Bible, 84­86, 91, 111, 114, 115, 120, 162
Big Bang, 9
Birds, information sharing, 15­16
Birkerts, Sven, 3
Blogs and bloggers, 2, 83, 228
Bloom, Howard, 9, 12, 13, 131, 210
Boethius, 113
Book of Hours, 109, 115, 147
Book of Kells, 82, 84
Books and bookmaking.
- see also Printing, automated annotated texts, 89
- binding, 88
- black market, 119
- burning of, 57, 98
- Canon Tables, 84, 85
- codex format, 79
- and cultural change, 104­105, 109­110
- digitization, 3, 6
- dissemination, 103
- illuminated manuscripts, 80­86, 99, 113
- illustrated texts, 114­115
- K manuscript, 104
- manuscript copying, 76, 82, 87­88, 89­90, 92, 93, 103
- market for and proliferation of, 75, 96, 103­104, 105, 109, 110, 113, 114, 115, 119, 143, 147­148, 165, 167, 175
- meta-books, 147; see also Encyclopedias model books, 104
- paper technology, 109­110
- papyrus scrolls, 79, 81
- popular/secular literature, 100­105, 109, 113, 115­116, 143, 157
- power of, 84­85, 150­151
- reading aloud, 90
- reproduction technologies, 87­88, 103­104, 109, 110
- scholarly texts, 105, 116
- translations, 97, 103, 115
- travel books, 116
- type styles, 83, 84, 93, 113­114
- woodblock printing, 110, 111
- a “work” distinguished from, 168­ 169
Borges, Jorge Luis, 140­141, 191
Boston Athenæum, 166, 171, 173
Brand, Stewart, 207­208
Brin, Sergey, 204
Britannia, 80
Brown, Cecil, 25
Brown, John Seely, 234, 235
Brown, Roger, 29
Brown University, 217, 219­220, 221
Bruno, Giordano, 128­131, 262n.16
Buckland, Michael, 266n.14
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, 103, 148, 157­161, 164
Bullae, 49
Bush, Vannevar, 185, 190, 192­203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 265n.5, 266n.19


Cahill, Thomas, 48
Cailliau, Robert, 209, 218
Callimachus, 73­74, 168
Calvinists, 119
Camillo, Giulio, 122­124, 127, 141
Canon Tables, 84
Carlyle, Thomas, 170
Carolingian Renaissance, 93­94
Cassiodorus, 86­89, 94, 95
Catholic Church. See Roman Church
Cato, 105
Catullus, 75
Celtic Church, 81­84
Celts, 80
Cerf, Vinton G., 224
CERN laboratory, 225
Charlemagne, 92­93, 106
Charles V, 98
Chemistry, 63
Cheng Moe, 57
Childe, V. Gordon, 49
Chimpanzees, 16
Chinese astrological calendar, 36­37
- folk classification system, 35­36
- Heavenly Archives, 56
- libraries, 56­57, 161
- written language, 48, 56, 257n.1
Christianity, 77.
- see also Celtic Church; Protestant Reformation; Roman Church
- allegorical literature, 100­101
- cultural bias in classifications, 176
- iconography, 105
- literacy and, 80­81
- Cicero, 75, 93, 124
- see also Library catalogs and classification systems; Taxonomies
- faceted, 178­180, 187, 188, 247­249
- folksonomy, 234, 269n.7
- of historical events, 145
- and scientific method, 130­131
- universal schemes, 123, 147, 154, 186
Claudian, 93
Clement XIII, 150
Climate change, 41­48
Cluetrain Manifesto, The, 7
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 213
Collective intelligence, 13
Columbus, Christopher, 116
Communism, 18
Comparator, 197
Computer Lib, 211
Computer science, 193
- biological approach, 194, 202
- commercial impetus, 195, 200, 201, 215­216
- mathematical and logical models, 194
Computer theory, 3, 221
- analog, 194­200, 203, 265n.5
- biological memory, 203
- bit-map displays, 207
- digital, 203
- hierarchical structure, 201
- interactive systems, 217
- interfaces, 205­208, 216
- mainframes, 216, 217
- mouse, 205, 218
- PC revolution, 200­201, 202­203, 205, 207­208, 216, 237
- windows-style graphical desktop, 207
Consciousness Explained, 78
Continents of Knowledge project, 221
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 116
Cortés, Hernando, 57
Cosmology, 128
Crook, Nona, 144, 145, 147
Cultural change.
- see also individual cultures; Oral culture and traditions
- biological evolution and, 9­21, 28, 32
- books and bookmaking and, 104­ 105, 109­110
- craft literacy, 50
- demythologization, 63­64, 65, 66
- digital revolution and, 6­7, 230­ 238
- epigenetic rules, 20­21, 25, 28, 29
- literacy and, 50­51, 63­65, 78, 83, 235
- meme exchanges, 13, 14, 16
- multidirectionality, 236­237
- narrative archetypes, 20
- printing press and, 99, 117­121, 183
Cultural relativism, 11
Currency, 49
Cutter, Charles Ammi, 171­173, 177, 181­182


Dark Ages
- Carolingian Renaissance, 93­94
- illuminated manuscripts, 80­86
- and innovation, 79, 81
- Islamic libraries, 95­98
- and literacy, 78­79, 92­93
- monastic libraries, 91­95
- oral traditions and culture, 78­79, 92, 96­97, 102, 105, 231
Darwin, Charles, 5, 27
Dawkins, Richard, 12
de Carrara, Giovanni, 126
de Chardin, Teilhard, 2
de Hamel, Christopher, 84
de Landa, Diego, 57
de Montaigne, Michel, 127
de Rohan, Jean, 113
Declaration of Independence, 117, 161
Demetrius, 72
Democracy, 7
Deneubourg, Jean-Louis, 14­15
Dennett, Daniel C., 78
Derrida, Jacques, 221, 223
Dewey Decimal System, 136, 173­178, 180, 186, 187, 245­246, 257n.9
Dewey, Melvil, 52, 136, 173­175, 186, 257n.9
Diderot, Denis, 136, 147­151, 169, 186
Difference Engine, 194
Differential Analyzer, 194
Digerati, 1
Digital culture, 4, 230­238
Digital revolution.
- see also Computers; Hypertext; Information technology
- dark side of, 3
- documentalist movement, 180­181
- Engelbart’s demo, 206­208
- and libraries, 177
- mystical beliefs about, 1­3
- social, cultural, and political transformations, 6­7, 183­184, 230­238
Distributed information systems, 144
Divination, 35
“Document nation,” 109, 151
Documentalist movement, 180­181
Donald, Merlin, 62, 63, 64
Donne, John, 230
Dot-com boom, 1
Dream Machines, 211­212, 214­215
Druidism, 80
Duguid, Paul, 234, 235
Dunlap, Leslie W., 73
Durkheim, Emile, 33­35, 36, 37, 38, 260n.6


E-mail, 220, 224
Eco, Umberto, vi
Educational institutions and curriculum, 51, 53, 105, 173.
-see also Public education
Egyptians, 56, 70­75, 128, 129
Eisenstein, Elizabeth, 118
Elizabeth I, 132, 145
- Bacon’s influence, 136, 148
- Camillo’s Theater of Memory, 122­ 124, 141
- Diderot’s Encyclopédie, 148­151
- folk knowledge, 148­151
- Gunaikeion, 144­147
- and political upheavals, 148­151
- preliterate equivalent, 46
- structure, 144
- Wikipedia project, 150­151
- Wilkins’s universal categories, 137­ 141, 239­241
Endeca, 179
Engelbart, Doug, 185, 205­208, 209, 210, 216, 218, 237
Enquire, 225
Epigenetic rules, 20­21, 25, 28, 29, 43­ 44, 52, 59, 65, 68, 155­156, 180
Erasmus, Desiderius, 115, 119, 122, 127, 132
Ethernet protocol, 207, 216
Etymologies, 103
Euclid, 71
Eukaryotes, 11
Euripides, 66, 72
Evolution, biological.
- see also Natural selection
- gene-culture coevolution, 19­21, 28, 32
- and hierarchical thinking, 22­28, 30­31
- and information management, 9­ 10, 12, 24­25, 28, 183
- meme exchanges and, 13, 14, 16
- social cooperation and, 11­12, 43­ 44
- and symbolic expression, 18­19, 43­44


Facets, theory of, 179
Fagan, Louis, 167
Family and kinship relationships, 18, 33, 34­35, 37, 59, 156­157.
- see also Genealogies
Febvre, Lucien Paul Victor, 114, 115
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 197
File Retrieving and Editing SyStem (FRESS), 218­219, 220
Flamenco, 179
Flatland (Abbott), 3
Fludd, Robert, 131
Folksonomy, 234, 269n.7
Free University, 189
Freemasons, 131
French Revolution, 150, 151
Fuller, Thomas, 127
Fulwood, William, 128


Galen, 97
Garfield, Eugene, 203, 204
Genealogies, 34­35, 37, 55
Geomancy, 35
George III, 150
Gesner, Conrad, 154
Gibbon, Edward, 97, 264n.9
Gilgamesh, 55
Gillies, James, 209, 218
Global village, theory of, 2
Gnostics, 130, 262n.16
Goldberg, Emanuel, 196
Google, 191, 204
Gopher system, 224
Goths, 78
Gould, Stephen Jay, 10­11, 23
Government bureaucracies, 51, 109, 197, 234
Graphical user interface, 205, 216
Grassé, Pierre-Paul, 14
Gratoroli, Guigliemo, 126
- ancient Christian community, 100
- Epicurianism, 76­77
- influence on other cultures, 69­70, 76­77, 105
- libraries, 55, 57­58, 64, 66, 76
- literate culture, 58, 61­64, 66, 97
- Mycenaean Age, 58
- mythology, 59­61, 62­64
- oral traditions, 58, 59, 61, 64, 67
- taxonomies, 66­68
Greenspan, Stanley, 17­18, 35
Groupware, 206
Gunaikeion, 144­147
Gutenberg, Johannes, 86, 99, 184, 229


Hamlet, 122
Harvard University, 208
Hawkins, Jeff, 7
Hermetic man, 127
Hesiod, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66
Hewlett-Packard, 15
Heywood, Thomas, 144­147
Hibernia. See Ireland
Hierarchical thinking
- evolution and, 22­28, 30­31
- folk taxonomies, 22­28, 29
- gradation capacity, 30­31
- human­computer interactions, 29­ 30
- printed books and, 223
- prototype theory, 30­31
- social networks and, 29, 42­43
- see also Library catalogs and classification systems; Taxonomies
- Aristotle’s Great Chain of Being, 69­70, 136, 156
- defined, 7
- institutional and political, 56­57, 65, 109, 117
- natural selection and, 11
- of needs, 45
- networks and, 6­9, 7, 11­12, 29, 42­43, 50, 65, 206, 215
- process, 206
- self-directed biological, 12
Hillis, Danny, 1
Hippocrates, 97
Hittites, 51, 52
Hobart, Michael E., 34, 79
Homer, 61, 66, 88
Horace, 75, 93
Hugo, Victor, 99
Human­computer interfaces, 29­30, 205­208
Human­machine symbiosis, 194, 202, 203
Humanism, 127, 132, 210, 215
Hyperbooks, 212­213
Hyperlinks, 201­201, 212, 222­223, 225
Hypertext, 84, 121, 144, 147, 185, 201, 208­209, 210, 212, 214, 217, 219­222, 228
Hypertext (Landow), 221
Hypertext Editing System (HES), 217­ 218, 220
Hyper/Text/Theory (Landow), 221


IBM, 217, 218, 220
Ice age, 40­47, 230­231
Illich, Ivan, 90, 94
Illuminated manuscripts, 80­86, 99, 113
Indexes/indexing, 6
- manual, 197, 198­199, 201, 204, 226
India, libraries, 56, 57
Industrial Revolution, 151, 165
Information age, 3
Information clearinghouses, 181
Information ecology, 3­4, 147, 180
Information overload, 3, 9
Information processing, 205­206
Information retrieval associative trails, 190­191, 192, 199, 201, 202, 204, 219
- automated systems, 192­203
- bidirectional links, 218­219, 220, 228
- citation ranking, 203­204
- document links, 186, 199­200, 201­ 202
- graphical user interface, 205, 216
- interactive environment, 219­220
- link-node models, 204
- mouse, 205
- remote file sharing, 224
- tagging, 218, 219
- Web search engines, 6­7, 177, 179, 191, 204
Information science
- Jefferson’s legacy, 164
- Ranganathan and, 186
- special libraries, 180­181
Information systems
- biological evolution of, 9­21
- birds, 15­16
- Bloom’s model of collective intelligence, 13
- emotional expression as, 17­18, 19, 35
- insect societies, 13­15
- management tools, 6, 12­14, 52
- meme encoding, 12­13, 14, 16, 17, 19
- pooling strategies, 10, 13­14, 19
- social contracts and, 107
- social imitation as, 12­13, 16, 19
- stigmergy, 14­15, 46, 255n.12
- symbolic expression, 17­19, 45­46
Information technology.
- see also Technological innovation; specific technologies
- administrative, 215­216
- ancient, 52
- medieval, 104, 117­121
Insect societies, 13­15
Instauratio Magna (Bacon), 136
Institute for Research on Institutions (IRIS), 220
- government bureaucracies, 51, 109, 197, 234
- hierarchical nature of, 56­57, 65, 109, 117, 234, 238
- literacy and, 50­58
Intellectual freedom, 71, 72­73
Internet, 3, 7.
- see also World Wide Web
- client­server network, 214
- distributed networking protocols, 224
- interface design, 1, 8
Intertwinglers, 83, 212
- illuminated manuscripts, 80­86
- literacy, 80­81
- preliterate culture, 80, 81
- Saint Patrick and, 80­81
IRIS Intermedia, 220­221, 222
Isidore of Seville, 103
Islam, 83, 95, 97
Itzcóatl, 57
Ives, Samuel A., 104


James I, 137
Jefferson, Thomas, 117, 136, 152, 159­ 160, 161­164, 165
Jewett, Charles, 263
Jews, 97, 115
Jobs, Steve, 207
Johnson, Ethel, 180
Johnson, Samuel, 49
Johnson, Steven, 1
Josephson, Aksel G. S., 180
Julius Caesar, 71, 74, 75
Justinian, 97
Juvenal, 93


Kahn, Paul, 195, 204, 221
Kahn, Robert B., 224
Kelly, Kevin, 208, 235
King, Cyrus, 162
Knowledge workers.
- see Librarians; Scribes
Kodak, 196
Koran, 96, 162
Kuhn, Steven, 42
Kunzel, Werner, 3
Kurzweil, Ray, 2


La Fontaine, Henri,
186, 188
Lakoff, George, 31­32
Lamberton, Robert, 59, 61, 62
Landow, George P., 116, 221­222
Lao Tzu, 56
Lateral sequencing, 27, 52
League of Nations, 185, 188, 189
Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, 104
Lewis, C. S., 105
Lewis, Rhodri, 131, 139
Librarians, 76, 94, 165­166, 174, 181
- academic, 109, 138, 166, 173, 176
- American, 6, 136, 162­164, 166, 169, 171­178
- Arabian legacy, 95­98
- Aztec, 57, 161
- biblioclasms, 56, 57, 71, 74­75, 78, 87, 97, 98, 161, 183
- British Museum library, 166, 167­ 171, 186
- Chinese, 56­57, 161
- Christian, 76, 88
- democratic access to, 169­173
- digital, 195­196
- government archives, 52­53, 78
- Great Library at Alexandria, 55, 66, 70­75, 76, 79, 89, 161
- Greek, 55, 57­58, 64, 66, 76
- guidelines for book collecting, 94
- Indian, 56
- Jefferson’s, 161­164, 242­244
- lending practices, 76
- limitations of, 195­196
- monastic, 80, 88, 89­90, 91­95
- networks, 94, 182, 264n.9
- political potency, 56­57, 72, 75, 93
- private book collections, 66, 77, 147, 162­164, 166, 264n.9
- public, 70­77, 96, 147, 166, 173, 176
- Roman, 75­77, 82, 87, 88
- Royal Library at Nineveh, 54­55
- special, 180-181
- temple, 51, 52, 55, 57
- at Thebes, 56 Vatican, 88, 95, 121
- virtual, 181­182
Library catalogs and classification systems ancient bibliographic records and systems, 51­52, 76­77
- Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 169
- Aristotelian, 66
- author-based, 74
- Bacon’s framework, 136, 163
- bicameral, 76­77, 87­88, 94­95, 121
- Bliss system, 177
- books distinguished from works, 168­169, 180
- call numbers, 52, 170, 172, 173, 182
- card catalog, 165, 173, 174, 176, 264n.9
- Chinese classification schemes, 56­ 57
- Colon Classification, 145, 178­180, 247­249
- colophons, 51­52
- cultural bias in, 176
- Cutter’s Expansive Classification System, 171­173, 180
- Dewey Decimal System, 136, 173­ 178, 180, 186, 187, 245­246, 257n.9
- Library of Congress system, 162­ 163, 173, 176, 177, 179, 197, 242­244
- meta information, 168
- monastic scrutinium, 94­95
- online catalogs, 176, 181­182
- Panizzi’s rules, 167­171, 186
- subject-based, 73, 88, 168, 171­178
- textual analysis­based, 88­89
- Universal Decimal Classification, 177, 187, 188, 190
- value-based, 91
- Web displacement of, 6, 176­177, 226
Library of Congress, 6, 136, 162­164, 169, 173, 176, 177, 179, 197
Library schools, 173
Library science, 178
Lindisfarne Gospel, 82, 84
Lindisfarne monastery, 84
Links, 186, 199, 218
Linnaeus, Carolus, 4, 25, 30, 103, 153
- and cognitive conflict, 120­121
- craft, 50, 106
- Dark Ages and, 78­79, 92­93
- entertainment-based, 61
- and mythic thought, 62­63
- oral culture distinguished from, 232­234
- and political power, 50, 51, 54, 56­ 57, 58, 62, 77, 84­85, 108
- printing innovations and, 166
- public education and, 165
- reading books, 90, 91­92, 108
- and social organization, 51, 58, 65, 76, 78­79, 80­81, 83, 90, 97, 107­110, 117
- spread of, 105­110, 117
Literary Machines, 211, 213, 214
“Living in the New Middle Ages,” vi
Lloyd, William, 137
Locke, John, 9
Louis XV, 150
Lubetzky, Seymour, 169
Lucian, 93
Luther, Martin, 117, 118, 151


Macbeth, 152
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 115
Macintosh, 207
Madras University, 178
Magic, 128­129, 133
Margulis, Lynn, 11, 13
Marion, Guy F., 181
Martial, 76, 93
Martin, Henri-Jean, 114, 115
Maslow, Abraham, 45
Mauss, Marcel, 33, 35, 36, 38
Mayans, 48, 257n.4
McCahill, Mark, 224
McClamrock, Ron, 15
McCrone, John, 41
McLuhan, Marshall, 2, 4
Melanchthon, Philipp, 127
Memes, 12­13, 14, 16, 19, 254n.9
Memex, 185, 192­194, 197­198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 266n.25
- association, 125
- Camillo’s Theater of Memory, 122­ 124, 141, 142
- feats of, 126
- human, 7
- insect and hive, 14
- monastic art of, 123­132
- Novum Organum (Bacon), 132
- ordering, 124
- wheel, 129­130, 142
Meyrowitz, Norm, 220
Microfilm, 181, 192, 194, 196, 197, 200, 203
Microsoft Windows, 207
Middle Ages, 53, 69­70
- Islamic expansion, 83 l
- iteracy, 105­110
- oral traditions, 105
Milton, John, 162
Minoans, 58
Mohammed, 48, 96
- and monacticism armarius, 91
- art of memory, 123­127
- Cassiodurus’s Vivarium, 87­88
- Celtic bookmaking, 79, 80­86
- English scriptoria, 84, 85, 104
- libraries, 91­95
- popular literature from, 103­105, 109
- reading books, 90, 91­92
Rule of Saint Benedict, 91­92
- see Currency
Mongol invasions, 97
Moorehouse, A. C., 53­54
Moors, 97­98
More, Thomas, 162
Morison, Robert, 137
Motley, John Lothrop, 119­120
Mouse, 205, 206­207
Mundaneum, 188­190, 192, 200
Muslim culture, 95­98
Mycenaeans, 58
Mystical beliefs about technology, 1­3
Mystical memory wheels, 123
Mythic thought, 62­63, 64, 65
Mythology, 4, 6, 135
- epigenetic rules and, 20­21, 59
- genealogical relationships, 37, 55, 59­61
- literacy and, 54, 55, 62­66, 81
- metaphorical relationships among natural phenomena, 59­60
- oral culture and, 59, 61
- symbolism in, 41
- taxonomic roots, 33, 35­36, 37­38, 61


NASA, 218
National Endowment for the Humanities, 221
National Science Foundation, 224, 265n.5
Natural selection, 11, 13, 24­25, 45­46
NCR, 196
Nelson, Ted, 185, 190, 193, 201, 208­ 215, 217, 221, 222, 225, 226­227, 237
Newton, Isaac, 162
- associative, 79, 190­191, 192, 199, 201, 202, 204
- computer, 6, 15, 43
- cultural, social, and political, 5­6, 7, 11­12, 43
- defined, 7
- and hierarchies, 6­9, 7, 11­12, 29, 42­43, 50, 65, 215, 234­238
- neural, 7
- Otlet’s vision, 190
- scholarly, 134, 153
- self-organizing, 11­12, 65, 147, 191, 235, 237
- superorganisms, 12, 13­14
- swarm intelligence, 15
- walled garden, 259n.13
New York University, 45
Newman, John Henry, 115
Newspapers, 117­118, 165
Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, 169, 170
Nigerians, 48
Novum Organum (Bacon), 132, 133­13 4
NSFNet, 224
Nyce, James M., 195


Occultism, 128­129, 130, 131
Ong, Walter J., 50, 90, 232­233
oN-Line System (NLS), 206, 207, 218
Oral culture and traditions
- Dark Ages, 78­79, 92, 96­97, 102, 105
- durability of, 18­19, 47, 58­59, 78­ 79, 105
- electronic media and, 231­234
- in encyclopedias, 148­151
- folk taxonomies, 46, 52, 61, 102
- Greek, 58, 59, 61, 64, 67
- literacy’s threat to, 64, 84
- monastic art of memory, 125
- and mythology, 46, 59, 61, 62­63, 64
- popular literature from, 53, 62, 100, 102, 116­117
- printing press and, 116­117, 120­121
- and social networks, 65
Oratory, 124
Organizational charts, 6
Ornament technology, 42
Otlet, Paul, 185­192, 199, 200
Oxford Internet Institute, 214


Page, Larry, 204
Pagerank, 204
Panizzi, Anthony, 167­171, 180, 186
Paper technology, 109­110
Pearson, Edmund Lester, 165
Pepys, Samuel, 137
Perseus environment, 223
Peter of Ravenna, 126
Phoenicians, 61
Physiologus, 100, 102­103, 105
Pinakes, 73­74
Pinker, Steven, 231
Pius VI, 260n.12
Plato, 63­64, 71
Pliny, 100, 157, 160
Poetry, 61, 62
Political changes, 43, 50, 54
- digital revolution and, 6­7, 151
- encyclopedias and, 148­151
- library catalogs and, 169­171
- printing press and, 99, 117­121, 151, 183
Pope, Alexander, 162
Popper, Karl, 258n.23
Population density, and innovation, 17­18, 48­49
Populist ethos, 148, 150, 169, 171, 230­ 231
Primates, nonhuman, social networking, 16­17, 19
- automated, 860
- Gutenberg press, 99, 104, 105, 108, 110­117, 151, 184
- laser printers, 216
- and literacy, 166
- and Protestant Reformation, 117­ 121, 151
- and social and political change, 99, 117­121, 151, 184
- steam-driven presses, 165, 166
Privacy issues, 3
Prosperus, 105
Protestant Reformation, 117­121
Prototype theory, 30­32
Ptolemy I, 55, 71, 72, 93, 97
Ptolemy III, 72
Public education, 165
Punch cards, 181
Punch transfer technique, 104, 110


Quintilian, 124


Rabelais, François, 115
Rameses II, 56
Random access, 79, 81
Ranganathan, Shiyali Ramamrita, 145, 178­180, 186­187, 247­249
Rapid Selector, 196, 197, 198
Ray, John, 137, 154
Rayward, Boyd, 184­185, 189­190
Relational databases, 179
Religious wars, 118­121
- Arabic texts and, 98
- Gutenberg revolution, 99, 110­117
- secular scholarship, 106, 109, 115, 127, 138, 141, 143, 157
Rheingold, Howard, 208
Rhodes, Neil, 144, 145, 147
Roman Church, 2, 82
- erosion of authority of, 111­113, 118­121, 130, 132­133, 141, 151
- Gutenburg press and, 111­113, 118­121, 151
- indulgences, 112, 260n.12
- Inquisition, 128
- and scientific inquiry, 139­140
Roman Empire, 54, 75­77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 90, 124
Romberch, Johannes, 126
Rosch, Eleanor, 30, 31
Rosicrucians, 131
Rosselli, Cosimo, 126
Rousseau, 148
Royal Commission, 170
Royal Society, 137, 140


Saccath, 80
Saint Albans Abbey, 85
Saint Columba, 78
Saint Finnian, 78
Saint Jerome, 94
Saint Patrick, 80­81, 86
Saint Riquier Abbey, 94
Salvatorberg cloister, 94
Schiffman, Zachary Sayre, 34, 79
Schlain, Leonard, 118, 120
Scholarly publishing, 153, 196­197
- citation ranking, 203­204
Scholastic methods, 132
Science Citation Index, 204
Scientific method
- Bacon’s empiricism, 133­137, 164
- classical view of categories and, 32
- emergence of, 123, 130­131, 141­ 142, 143
- and religious doctrine, 139­140
- and scholarly publishing, 153
Scribes, 49, 50, 53, 76, 81, 82­83, 89, 106
Secular scholarship, 106, 109, 115, 127, 138, 141, 143
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 12
Semantic scaffolding, 19
Semiramis, 145
Servius, 93
Sextus, 76
Shadunu, 54­55
Shakespeare, William, 105, 122, 152
Shi Huangdi, 56, 161
Simon Magus, 262n.16
Simonides of Ceos, 124
Sixtus IV, 95
Smith, Samuel H., 162
Smithsonian, 264n.9
Social behaviors, 14­17
- and evolution, 11­12
- human universal, 20­21
Social collectivization, 3
Social contracts, 106­110
Social fact, 107, 260n.6
Social networks
- family and kinship, 33, 34­35, 156­ 157
- and hierarchical thinking, 29, 42­ 43
- self-organizing, 65, 116
- and symbolic communication, 41­ 42, 43, 45, 46, 50
- and taxonomies, 29, 32­38, 156­ 157
- textual communities, 117
- written communication and, 50­ 51, 62, 65
Social systems, 6.
- see also Cultural change
- caste distinctions, 51, 58
- consensual rule sets, 106
- digital revolution and, 6­7, 234­ 238
- evolution of, 11­12, 106­107
Social tagging, 234
Socrates, 65, 71
Solomon, 100
Sophists, 63
Sophocles, 66, 72
Sorbonne, 94
Special Libraries Association, 180
Spenser, Edmund, 105
Spiritual beliefs, 1­3, 6
Spoken language, 17, 28
Stanford Research Institute, 206
Stanford University, 204
Statius, 93
Stein, Gertrude, 22
Stigmergy, 14­15, 108, 199, 266n.18
Stock, Brian, 106, 108, 117, 260n.8
Strabo, 66
Stretchtext, 212
Subjectivity, 135, 139
Sumerians, 48­49, 52, 53, 55, 57, 59, 231, 257n.3
Superstitious belief, 135­136, 140
Svenonius, Elaine, 168
Swarthmore College, 217
Swedish Royal Society of Science, 153
Symbols and symbolic language
- adaptive value of, 43­44, 45­46
- allegorical literature, 100­101, 105
- beads and pendants, 42­43, 44, 107
- cave paintings, 43, 45­46, 257n.6 (Chapter 3)
- Christian iconography, 105, 118­ 119
- emotional meaning, 17­19, 43­44
- epigenetic rules, 43­44
- evolutionary progression of, 18­19
- Incan Quipu, 39
- illuminated manuscripts, 80­86, 99, 113
- in myths, 41
- origins, 40­41
- social documents, 107­108
- and social relationships,, 41­42 43, 45, 46, 50, 52, 107, 231
- stigmergy of, 46, 108
- totems, 42, 106


Tabulating devices, 49
Tarquin, 54
- and adaptive advantage, 24­25
- Aristotolian, 67­68, 70, 156
- binomial naming, 67, 156
- Buffonian, 152, 157­161, 164
- classical view of categories, 32, 145
- cultural parallels, 25­28, 30­31, 33­ 38
- defined, 23
- as encyclopedic framework, 34
- epigenetic basis, 20­21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 52, 65, 67, 155­156
- ethnobiological rank model, 25, 29, 34
- folk, 5­6, 22­27, 28­29, 30­38, 47, 52, 61, 68, 100, 154­156, 164
- genealogies, 34, 59, 61
- Jefferson’s legacy, 152­153, 159­ 160, 161
- Linnaean, 22, 23­24, 25, 29, 32, 70, 103, 153, 154­157, 158­159, 160, 164
- matter distinguished from form, 68­69
- mythologies as, 33, 35­36, 37­38, 59, 61
- New World plants and animals, 154, 159­160
- popular literature, 100, 102­105
- prototype theory, 30­32
- recognition of “real names,” 27, 28­ 29, 156
- social role, 32­38
- and superstitious beliefs, 38
- Wilkins’s universal categories, 137­ 141, 239­241
- Zuni system, 5­6, 33­34, 36
Technological innovation
- Dark Ages and, 79, 81
- disruptive, 99, 117­121, 150­151, 183, 223
- population density and, 17­18, 48­ 49
Technological transcendentalism, 1­3
Television, 236
Temple archives, 6
Terence, 93
Termite nest building, 14
Text editing tools, 216
Textual communities, 117
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 113, 124­125, 126
Thompson, James Westfall, 95
Thoth, 130
Thucydides, 66
Tibetan Buddhism, 130
Tibullus, 93
Time keeping, 49, 257n.3
Timon of Philius, 73
Tournefot, Joseph Pitton de, 154
Townsend, Leonard G., 266n.14
Trade networks, 43­44, 49­50
Transcendentalism, 128
Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCI/IP), 224


Unicorns, 4
Universal Decimal Classification Consortium, 188
University of California at Berkeley, 179
University of Leyden, 138
University of Minnesota, 224
Unix, 216
Upper Paleolithic period, 42
U.S. Department of Defense, 224
U.S. Patent Office, 197


van Dam, Andries, 217
van Schaik, Carel, 16­17
Vandals, 77, 78
Venerable Bede, 86
Viglius, 122, 127
Virgil, 75
Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, 161
Voltaire, 148 von Frisch, Karl, 14


Wallace, A. R., 5
Walled garden, 93, 259n.13
Wark, McKenzie, 229
Watterston, George, 163
Wei Dynasty, 57
Wells, H. G., 2, 232
White, Randall, 45
Whitehead, Alfred North, 13
Whole Earth Catalog, 207­208
Whole Earth Review, 207­208
Wide Area Information Server, 223
Wikipedia project, 150­151, 238
Wilkins, John, 137­141, 186, 239­241
William of Ockham, 113
Willis, John, 124
Willoughby, Francis, 137
Wilson, David Sloan, 13
Wilson, E. O., 19­21, 28, 32, 46, 254n.9, 255n.12
Wired era, 210
Witch burnings, 120­121
Wolfe, Tom, 1
Women, Fire and Dangerous Things (Lakoff), 31­32
Woodblock printing, 110, 111
- encyclopedia on, 144­147
- librarians, 174
World Brain, 2
World Wide Web, 2, 147
- browsers, 8, 179, 201, 214, 220, 228­229
- Bush’s legacy, 193­194
- coexistence of oral and written culture, 233­238
- commercial impetus, 215
- document control, 191
- limitations, 226­229
- Nelson’s vision, 213­214, 226­228
- on NEXT platform, 226
- as oral culture, 231­234
- Otlet’s réseau, 185­192
- prototypes, 223­229
- search engines, 6­7, 177, 179, 191, 204
- and social and political change, 151, 183­184, 225­226, 238
- social context, 43, 191­192, 228, 234
- symbolic communication, 44
Wright, H. Curtis, 258n.18
Writing, 4, 19.
- see also Books and bookmaking; Libraries; Literacy; specific cultures
- alphabets, 61­62
- chronological records, 53
- clay tablets, 49­50, 51, 81
- colophons, 51­52
- commercial origins and implications, 49­50, 106­107, 183, 215
- copying, 55, 76, 78
- craft literacy, 50, 106
- Ebla tablets, 51
- emergence of, 46, 48­50, 257n.4
- Hattusas tablets, 51
- knowledge bureaus (ancient), 50­ 58
- linear format, 81
- list making, 51, 52
- mythological significance, 48, 54, 56
- narrative, 52, 53, 62, 64, 183
- numbers, 49
- phonetic system, 61­62
- preservation, 53, 55
- process, 206
- random access form, 81, 83­84
- scribes, 49­50, 51, 53, 64, 80­86, 106
- secularization, 92­93, 106, 139
- self-directed, 83
- social contracts, 106­110 and social transformation, 50, 62­ 63, 99, 106­110, 118
Wurman, Richard Saul, 6


Xanadu system, 209, 213­214, 217, 227
Xerox PARC, 207, 216
Xylography, 114, 260n.16


Yahoo!, 191
Yankelovich, Nicole, 220
Yates, Frances A., 126, 127, 128, 129, 131


Zenodotus, 73
Zuni people, 5­6, 33­34, 36

Inside the Book